Wednesday, July 24, 2024

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St Louis Art Museum Membership

How To Keep Your Audience Engaged Entertained And Inspired In The Age Of Coronavirus

Young Friends: Millet and Modern Art

In light of the rapid spread of Coronavirus and new social distancing recommendations from public health officials, many visitor-serving cultural organizations have made the decision to temporarily close their doors to the public. Just recently, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Smithsonian Museums, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, and museums of all shapes and sizes have shut down indefinitely or put drastic restrictions in place in order to limit the spread of COVID-19. As a result, many museums and cultural organizations face uncertainty about what the next days and weeks hold for them during this unusual time. But while they may be physically closed, what are creative and unique ways to keep audiences engaged?

Join Cuseum’s Brendan Ciecko, with special guests Seema Rao Scott Stulen as they talk about steps cultural organizations can take to engage their audiences digitally and continue their important work as trusted community resources during this public health and economic crisis, even when physical sites remain in lockdown.

Membership Mondays: Planning For Reopening After Coronavirus

Over the past several months, museums have been occupied with adapting to widespread coronavirus closures. Membership professionals have worked hard to adjust their communication, messaging, and membership fulfillment strategies, while continuing to reinforce the value of membership while physical sites are closed. Now, approaching two months into closures, many cultural organizations are beginning to think about plans for reopening, and some have already begun. What strategies, workflows, and policies can help facilitate a safe and successful reopening?Join Dan Sullivan , Meghan McCauley , Aidan Vega , Laura Schmid , & Kristi Masterson as they discuss the steps and process of reopening. This conversation will include voices from organizations who have already opened to members, as well as those planning to do so in the coming weeks and months!

Membership Mondays: Reimagining Revenue Streams & Events

Due to COVID-19, many museums and cultural organizations are facing significant disruptions to revenue with the absence of gate attendance and on-site purchases. From membership extensions, halted acquisition campaigns, cancelled events, to public funding cuts, many other traditional revenue streams have also been interrupted. Even as organizations prepare to reopen and welcome members back, traditional events and other common revenue sources may be diminished or even off the table entirely for quite some time.Despite the challenges, by rethinking the membership business model, initiating virtual events, and seeking out new revenue opportunities, membership departments and cultural institutions have the potential to bounce back, and membership can continue to be a primary revenue stream.Join Dan Sullivan , Claire Byfield , Tom Knowles & Rosie Siemer as they discuss how membership, revenue, and events can be reimagined to bolster museums and ensure their financial health going into the future.

Also Check: Metropolitan Museum Of Art Schedule

Explore Ancient Nubian Art At The St Louis Art Museum

The St. Louis Art Museums newest exhibition offers new ways of understanding Nubias history and contemporary relevance.

Nubia: Treasures of Ancient Africa comes to St. Louis from the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, which mounted a slightly bigger version of the exhibition in 2019 and 2020. The museums collection includes ancient African jewelry, pottery, sculptures and metalwork that span numerous contemporary national borders and 2,000 years of history .

As curator Denise Doxey described it Monday on St. Louis on the Air, the Nubia region encompassed what is today the land from the southernmost part of Egypt to the northern part of Sudan. Doxey is the curator of Ancient Egyptian, Nubian and Near Eastern Art at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

They were doing fabulous pottery some of the finest pottery youll ever see, as well as jewelry, she said. They made exquisite jewelry throughout their history.

The exhibit also features stone vessels, decorative art items and funerary figurines referred to as ushabtis. Ushabtis were also used in ancient Egyptian funerary practices.

Doxey said that much of the collection will look familiar to fans of ancient Egpytian art.

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Alumni Hour: Developing New Partnerships To Drive Alumni Engagement


In recent years, and particularly in the era of COVID-19, colleges, universities, and alumni associations have ramped up their digital strategy in order to keep alumni engaged. As institutions strive to develop engaging virtual content and events, many have initiated new partnerships that allow them to offer their graduates fresh value and dynamic opportunities to stay connected. For example, many alumni professionals have spearheaded partnerships with museums, cultural attractions, sports teams & leagues, and more.Join Dan Sullivan , Susan Ewens , Matt Lucerto, , Azela Santana , Ellen Trappey & Patricia Perazzini, for a special Alumni Hour webinar to discuss how these experts have initiated and developed new partnerships to drive alumni engagement at their institutions!

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How Membership Departments Can Prepare For The Impact Of Coronavirus

With the ever growing concerns around Coronavirus and its ripple effect on the global economy, many museums and attractions are wondering how they will be impacted. Membership professionals are specifically concerned about how this will impact their membership bases in the coming months or years.

Join Cuseum’s Dan Sullivan and membership experts Dana Hines and Alicia Lifrak as they talk about steps membership based organizations can take to prepare, and respond to this impending crisis.

How To Craft Meaningful & Mindful Digital Content In The Age Of Coronavirus

Due to the spread of coronavirus, museums and cultural organizations across the country are extending their expected lockdown periods and bracing for prolonged closures. As they remain physically closed to visitors, many museums are encountering new challenges around communicating and engaging their audiences. What outreach channels should you use? How do you overhaul your content calendar? And perhaps, most importantly, what kinds of content will resonate with your audiences

Join Brendan Ciecko , Ryan Dodge , and Kat Harding as they discuss how to develop effective content and messaging that aligns with your organizations mission while resonating in the hearts and minds of audiences. This webinar will address questions like, what does your audience want and need from you? How do you communicate with consistency and compassion? And, how do you continue to imbue your mission into your content?

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Membership Mondays: The Onsite Member Experience After Coronavirus Closures

Across the world, were beginning to see museums, zoos, gardens, and other cultural sites reopen after coronavirus closures. Many are initiating phased reopenings, using timed-ticketing and contactless modes of entry, opening to members only, and/or creating special hours for different groups. As these organizations began to reopen in the era of social distancing, many are rethinking what the onsite member experience may look like without the close interactions, friendly encounters with staff, and other personalized experiences that make visiting your organization so special.Join Dan Sullivan , John Perell , Melissa Dietrich & Zach Winfield as they discuss what the onsite member experience may look like after coronavirus closures and going into the future.

Preparing To Reopen: Strategy Planning & Process On The Road To Reopening Museums

Virtual Kwanzaa Celebration: Day 1 – Umoja

For nearly two months, museums across the country have been physically closed due to the coronavirus. In response, cultural professionals have developed and delivered exciting new content across a range of platforms to keep their audiences engaged during these unprecedented times. Now, as some states lift their stay-at-home orders and the world prepares to slowly reopen, museums are thinking about what reopening is going to look like.Join Brendan Ciecko , , Holly Shen & Ellen Busch as they talk through the strategy, operations, process, and planning involved in reopening your museum successfully. This webinar will explore strategic planning, design thinking, and innovative approaches to welcoming your audiences back.

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Exploring The Future Of Museums In The Era Of Coronavirus

Two months ago, the escalation of the coronavirus crisis forced many museums and cultural institutions to close their doors to visitors. In response, many organizations shifted their efforts to engaging visitors through digital platforms, many making impressive pivots and accelerating their digital transformations. Now, as museums prepare to reopen and plan for the near and long term future, new concerns are seizing the attention of the entire cultural industry what will the future hold? Will there be new business and engagement models? And what does the physically-distanced museum experience look like?

Join Brendan Ciecko , Franklin Sirmans , Karen Wong & Lath Carlson as they evaluate the profound impacts of coronavirus and offer insights about what the future will hold for museums.

Striving Towards An Equitable Future: Addressing Systemic Injustice As A Cultural Organization

Across the nation, we are mourning the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery & Breonna Taylor with sadness and distress. Recent events have illuminated the systemic injustice that remains entrenched in our country and its institutions. As professionals in the cultural sector, it is pressing to situate our current moment, as well as the long history of deep-seated racism and inequality, in the context of museums and cultural organizations. As mission-based organizations serving diverse communities, it is critical to engage in a dialogue on the role of our institutions in a time of tragedy, anxiety, and unrest.

Join Brendan Ciecko , Terri Freeman , Damon Reaves & Cecile Shellman for a discussion on how cultural organizations can face systemic injustice, strive towards a more equitable future, and be beacons of hope for their communities.

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Can You Walk Inside The St Louis Arch

There are 1076 steps in the stairways of each leg, and they are used by maintenance personnel only visitors are not allowed to walk up or down. Is the Arch moving? The Arch is designed to sway as much as 18 inches, and can withstand an earthquake, however under normal conditions the Arch does not sway.

The Durango Arts Center Celebrates Its Members Whose Support Provides The Resources Necessary To Advance Year


Annual membership dues are considered tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Membership starts at a modest $60 per year, for a single person, and offers a wealth of opportunity for engagement in and inspiration from the most dynamic visual and performing arts opportunities offered in our region.

While your membership has direct value for you, it is truly invaluable to us and priceless to the cultural vitality of our community. The Durango Arts Center is a nonprofit, 5013 organization that owns and operates its own building, inclusive of mortgage payments, insurance, repairs, and utilities. Membership contributions are critical in maintaining our historic facility and providing modest salaries to a mostly part-time, highly skilled staff. DAC is grateful to receive support through the generosity of its community members, foundation grants, Colorado Creative Industries, corporate sponsorships and a strategic business plan of earned revenue activities .

  • 4 Tickets to use on any DAC produced events

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Southeasts Houck Statuary Collection To Be Displayed At Saint Louis Art Museum

Southeast Missouri State University-owned artwork will be on display at the Saint Louis Art Museum from Oct. 3 to Jan. 9, 2022, during an exhibition celebrating the 200th anniversary of Missouriâs statehood.

Art Along the Rivers: A Bicentennial Celebration explores the remarkable artwork produced and collected over 1,000 years in the region surrounding St. Louis. The exhibition presents more than 150 objects from Missouri as far north as Hannibal, west to Hermann, and south through the Old Mines area.

The two pieces that will be exhibited at the Saint Louis Art Museum are replicas of the Athens, Greece Originals: West Frieze, Parthenon, Dismounted Horseman , 442-438 B.C. and West Frieze, Parthenon, Dismounted Horseman 442-438 B.C.

Its a great honor to have the University and its Museum and collection profiled, said Jim Phillips, Crisp Museum manager and curator. I hope that this project and others will show researchers, and other institutions the treasures that we have and care for.

Southeasts contribution to the exhibit comes from the Houck Statuary Collection, acquired in

late 1904 by Louis Houck. In addition to being a Missouri railroad entrepreneur, Houck was a member of the Board of Regents for the Cape Girardeau State Normal School, as the University was then known.

For more information or to purchase tickets, visit

Succeeding With Timed Ticketing As A Cultural Organization

As museums and cultural institutions work to reopen, many are taking important steps to facilitate physical distancing, contract tracing, and enable contactless entry. One key way organizations are doing this is by introducing timed ticketing for visitors, which has the benefit of managing capacity, reducing admissions lines, and limiting interactions between staff and guests. However, timed ticketing is new territory for most museums. Many are looking for best practices and wondering how to roll this out to their visitors to ensure a successful reopening. Join Brendan Ciecko , Kate Porter , Laura McArthur & Stephanie Cabezas for a discussion about all things timed ticketing! Each of these panelists has introduced timed ticketing , and they will be available to share best practices and answer questions in this dialogue.

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How To Captivate Connect And Communicate With Your Audience During Coronavirus

Due to the rapid spread of coronavirus and government recommendations for social distancing, three-quarters of museums across the United States have closed down temporarily. As a result of these closures, many cultural organizations face new levels of uncertainty and difficulty in navigating these unfamiliar waters. In particular, for visitor-serving organizations, not being able to bring visitors on-site produce a significant challenge: while being physically closed, how do museums continue to engage their would-be visitors?

Join Brendan Ciecko , with special guests Susan Edwards and Koven Smith , as they talk about steps cultural organizations can take to captivate, connect, and communicate with their remote visitors and audiences. These experts will do a deep-dive into digital communication strategies, creatively leveraging social media channels, and establishing a community without a physical space to gather in.

Virtual Memberships: Creating Digital Benefits & Virtual Access For Members

SLAM in 60: Architectural Photography

During the past several months of coronavirus closures, many museums and cultural organizations have pioneered new digital content to keep their members and visitors engaged during these unprecedented closures. Many members have responded so positively to this new digital access that membership professionals may be considering making digital benefits and virtual access a more permanent fixture of membership, or even adding a virtual membership level.Join Dan Sullivan , Sarah Owens , Kara Fikse , & Cat Harper for a webinar to discuss digital and virtual memberships and how to offer digital access to your members.

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Alumni Hour: Planning And Preparing For Fall 2021 In Alumni Relations

After more than a year and a half of pandemic restrictions, many colleges and universities are planning a full return to campus for Fall 2021. As we approach the upcoming semester, what do the activities and goals of alumni relations teams look like? How are signature events like homecoming coming together? How can staff manage the competing demands of organizing in-person and virtual engagement opportunities? And, how are alumni relations staff working with their campus partners in enrollment, career services, advancement, and more?Join Dan Sullivan Teresa Verbeck , Kimberly Grant & Carol Bassie for a webinar discussion to talk through all things Fall 2021 in alumni relations and engagement.

Membership Mondays: Fulfillment Renewals And Budgets In Membership During Coronavirus

Its been over a month since many museums, zoos, and aquariums first closed down their physical sites due to coronavirus. This new normal has presented certain challenges, and many organizations are working to adapt their workflows to the current reality. In particular, many membership professionals are struggling with managing membership fulfillment, renewals, and reduced budgets from their home offices. Join Dan Sullivan , Alice Stryker , & Kimberly Kirkhart as they discuss how they are adapting workflows and reallocating resources to stay on top of essential membership operations during this time.

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Who Built The St Louis Art Museum

The Saint Louis Art Museum is housed in a grand building designed by Cass Gilbert for the 1904 Worlds Fair. More than 100 years later, British architect David Chipperfield added the East Building, which quietly respects its predecessor and orients glass walls toward important parts of the Forest Park landscape.

Discussing And Debating The Potentials Of Nfts In The Museum Sector

What to See

In the past few weeks, weve seen an unprecedented wave of media buzz around NFTs, a.k.a non-fungible-tokens. In light of these headlines and hype, today there are more questions, concerns, and unknowns than there are answers about the ways in which NFTs may impact museums. While recent news has begun to illuminate the potential applications of NFTs in arts and culture, this technology also comes with a number of environmental repercussions and other obstacles that must be explored. Join Brendan Ciecko , , Holly Shen & Clara Blume for a webinar conversation about NFTs and their potential impact on museums. This discussion will bring together various perspectives from the museum, art, and technology sectors to unpack the topic of NFTs, discuss concerns, and share ideas about the potential implications and opportunities for cultural organizations. Were still only beginning to understand how NFTs may impact museums – join us for an educational conversation with the main goal of helping prepare us all as this topic evolves.

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Museum Think Tank: Examining Membership And Loyalty

As museums and cultural institutions prepare to reopen, many are facing considerable challenges and uncertainties. The latest data suggests that to initiate a successful reopening and secure the future of your institution, members will be a critical constituency. However, in light of COVID-19 and the new normal, membership is undergoing changes. To survive and thrive, many organizations are seeking to reimagine membership, re-engage their members, and create increased loyalty among their constituents. To explore new ideas and challenges in membership and loyalty, this webinar will bring together innovative thinkers from inside and outside the cultural field for a museum Think Tank. Join Dan Sullivan , Kelli Cross , Suzette Sherman , Thesha Woodley & Allison Lester for a dialogue on shifts in membership and loyalty.

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